Home Safe Horses is a Christ-centered nonprofit horse sanctuary that provides a loving, safe place for the horses that call it home. Those who visit the ranch are able to experience and interact with previously neglected horses in a peaceful, serene environment where God is at the heart of all that takes place at the ranch.

At our ranch, horses get the opportunity to live out their lives in peace – receiving daily love and attention, as well as regular veterinary and farrier care. Horses are trained with natural horsemanship techniques, meaning all educational sessions are structured in a manner that uses “herd logic” to interact with them in a loving, humane, and instructive way where bonding commences between horse and trainer.
Those served
The first objective of Home Safe is serving the King, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Secondarily, Home Safe Horses serves the horses and animals it rescues.
Thirdly, the sanctuary serves children, both boys and girls, participate in an ongoing manner to learn about Christ and His redeeming power, how to work around horses and, ultimately, heal.

The vision of Home Safe Horses is to pair rescued horses with, children and teens to provide opportunities for both animal and human to develop rich and nurturing relationships where growth, confidence and trust can develop in a Christ-first, Christ-centered environment. Likewise, Home Safe Horses – its leadership, staff, and volunteers – serve their communities through ministry, free-to-the-public programs, and education regarding natural horsemanship, leadership, stewardship for humans, animals and land, while practicing God’s grace.

Above all, we value our relationship with God and the redeeming power of Jesus Christ. Through the Lord, we establish a place of peace and healing, where those who were previously victims have the opportunity to become victors.

Home Safe Horses is a non-profit, Christ-centered, horse rescue that provides a loving, safe place where people partner with horses to learn about His love and the fundamentals of natural horsemanship.
Through its mission, vision and programs, Home Safe Horses works to establish relationships with individuals and local community and rescue groups to support the rescue and rehabilitation of abused or neglected horses, as well as partnering with advocacy groups, churches and individuals to serve children through its Christian mission and programs.

Home Safe Horses’ most essential organizational goal is saving horses from persecution and neglect, unnecessary and untimely death, and to take whatever cost to save those who can be saved. As these creatures graduate into service-level programs, they become the organization’s mascot horses and are entered into program and therapy sessions, when their human counterpart is partnered with them to provide their care. This may include feeding, grooming, maintenance, training, bonding exercises, ground work and other natural horsemanship exercises as defined though the use of natural horsemanship programs and training.

Home Safe Horses’ primary long-term goal is to provide a life-long “forever” home to the horse that enters the Home Safe Horses’ guardianship program. The health, well-being, care and love of the animals saved is foundational and the reason for being of Home Safe Horses. These “ambassadors” allow for the long-term success of the programs offered, ensure the organization is a beacon of the Lord’s light, and enables victims to become victors.
Home Safe Horses through-goal is to advocate education and generate awareness for improved treatment of equines, help children heal and learn to trust, specifically in the power of Jesus Christ, and lobby cultural and political bodies at every level for the cessation of equine abuse. Additionally, the sanctuary creates media opportunities to advance awareness and educate the general public about horse abuse and neglect.